Friday, February 19, 2010

The Worm Has Turned

After venting all of those fears yesterday, I actually feel much better. Sometimes, I just have to purge all the negative thoughts in order to make room for the positive ones. (Wacky, I know.)

I'm full throttle on the "excited" side today. Matt's on his way home from the UK, and we'll spend the next two weeks finalizing the last-minute details. It looks like we'll all actualy get the chance to fly over to England together. This is really great news for me-- I wasn't really looking forward to navagating that long plane ride alone with Frankie. She's actually a pretty good flyer. Beter than me, really. Still, her perpetual refusal to nap could make for a looong trip on our own. So, I'm thankful that things fell in to place so that we could travel together.

On a completely unrelated note, I just found out that "Wired" magazine is planning on doing a feature on Matt and his cleanup work in the nuclear industry. How cool is that?


  1. I wanted to add, too, that much of the credit for the "Wired" article should go to The Dove, who set everything up through one of his pals. Yay, Dove!

  2. Coming from a proud Mom & Dad, the article in "Wired" is very exciting. I just knew you would get to the excited stage soon.

  3. That's incredible! Can't wait to see the article! And I'm so glad Matt will be flying with you guys!
