Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Glimpse Into a British Shopping Cart

Pictured: Some sort of cabbage, potato, and cheese dish called "Bubble and Squeak," Strongbow cider, and chocolate digestive biscuits.

Sound tasty?


  1. This makes me very nervous. Food adventures are definately not my thing. You are very brave!

  2. Bubble and squeak? I guess I understand the bubble part what with the cheese and all... but squeak? Whaaa?

  3. Did you know that "snail man" loves bubble & squeak?
    Let all of us know when he joins you for dinner.......

  4. I don't know, with food names like that I think I'd have to give up eating. Wouldn't it be nice to be like the Jetsons, take a pill and add turns into a steak dinner. Your dad and I are loving the reads. Thanks for taking the time. (Slug man is a destroyer of Hosta so I hope Frankie comes up with a new super hero). Frankies straight hair makes her look like a different person. Big squeezes for all of you. Hope your routine gets into place soon. Let Frankie know that the Bluebirds are still here.

  5. How were the Milk Chocolate digestives? Very interesting!!

    Glad you have adjusted to the new time, hopefully Frankie will soon.

    The picture of Frankie sleeping in the shopping cart was so cute!

    Hope you Enjoyed the Aquarium. It sounds like fun. I wonder if they had fish you had never seen?

    Love from Pennsylvania
