Saturday, April 24, 2010

A taste of home

We just got back from the grocery store where we came across this little culinary delight:

American-style hot dogs in brine. In a can.



  1. Looks deeeeeelish! Did anyone sample them?

  2. I love hot dogs but that does not seem right to get a hot dog out of a can. It's like tamales in a can. How was it?

  3. A partial list of things that concern me about this purchase: (1) Ye Old Oak, (2) confusing color change on the top 1/4 or so of the can with inconsistent "100% more free" (or something along those lines), and (3) the fact that someone at Ye Old Oak equates Vienna Sausages (which do come in a can) with the traditional American dog.

    Thanks, Coles, for splurging and then sending the news to this side of the pond.


  4. Hot dogs are dodgy, at best, so seeing them in brine is even more disturbing. Did anyone taste them?

  5. The dogs look pretty horrible, but the graphics on the label are def worth framing!

    So, I continue the burning question: Did anyone dare a taste?

  6. Honestly, no. No one tasted one. But I promise I will cook one up and report back soon...
