Tuesday, July 13, 2010

JoAnn Cole, Classroom Helper

Jo has only been retired about a month, but she's already back in the classroom. Tuesday, JoAnn went to Frankie's school to spend a few hours as a classroom volunteer.

Jo was a big hit with the kids. They loved her accent, and followed her around all morning asking questions about America. My favorite was, "What do Indians talk like?"

The kids in Frankie's class liked JoAnn so much that I think Frankie might have been a teeny bit jealous of having to share her with everyone.

When Jo got back home, I got to hear her professional assessment of Frankie’s school. The verdict? That Frankie’s school is more relaxed and laid back than most American schools (and much less formally structured), but overall a great learning environment. The kids in the school are all very well-behaved and polite, and the teachers are enthusiastic, patient, and kind.

Jo’s feelings about the school mirror my own observations. It’s good to have someone I trust look the school over and come to the same conclusions that Matt & I did when we were initially looking at schools out here. It makes me feel even more confident about our decision to send Frankie to Dearham.


  1. Awwww, how sweet! I'm sure they both enjoyed that time together. :)

  2. This was really fun for me. When I was going to school in the 70's the English schools where the model for good classrooms and positive learning environments. When I started to teach I was very disillusioned. Frankie's school really took me back to those dreams. No lines, few rules, well behaved and eagar to learn little ones and kind, loving teachers enjoying every minute of time with the kids. I think it comes down to social norms. What a great memory.
