Friday, March 19, 2010

The Great Outdoors

The location of the new house is a bit remote, but you really can't beat the scenery. From the living room, we can see a green pasture sloping all the way down to Maryport in the distance. Beyond that is the Irish Sea. At night, the view is especially amazing... We're at the top of a hill, and can see all of the city lights below us. It is, in a word, epic.

The outside of the house is really lovely as well. The house is at the end of a twisty dirt road. On the way there, though, there is a row of five connected (or "semi-detached," as they say over here) homes. They're all made from the same stone that our house is built from, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were all at one time part of the same estate.

Below is the view from our front door.

Now, here's a shot of Frankie posing outside of our front door.

There are lots of big, beautiful trees in the yard.

There's also a wonderful little meadow filled with spring flowers.

My favorite is this cool twisty tree.

We even have a front gate!


K. C. Wells said...

It's just beautiful! Do you feel like reading Jane Austen and drinking tea?

jwjacole said...

I agree with K.C. It looks so unbelievably British. It makes me think of Great Expectations. Frankie looks so tiny up againsts the front of the house. Is she enjoying the new adventures. How do you keep track of her in the big thing?

Tif said...

KC, good call! I just downloaded Wuthering Heights to my Kindle. It seems appropriate, somehow.

Jo, it hasn't been too bad keeping track of Frankie. She kept pretty close to me for the first few days. Now that she has a playroom, she'll probably spend quite a bit of time up there. She tends to only go where there are toys or tv. (She also likes watching out the living room window for rabbits in the garden.)