Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Settling In

I can't believe it's been five days since we moved out of our Meldrum house. The last few days have been such a whirlwind of activity, time has sort of lost all meaning. I don't even really know what day it is... Life is a blur of boxes & bubble wrap.

All is well, though. The move went really smoothly, thanks to the help of Jo, Jim, Mark, Lisa, Aunt Di, Mike, and Erin. I really can't imagine how we would have done it all without them. They collectively provided cleaning and babysitting services, moving & heavy lifting, construction and building expertise, bed and breakfast, decorating advice, moral support, and endless other fabulous helping hands.

They rock. I am forever in their debt.

I should also say that Matt is a real moving dynamo. It's his superpower, apparently. One that he likely inherited from his father. I couldn't believe how quickly and efficiently Matt, Jim, and Dovey got the truck loaded and unloaded. It was a thing of beauty. I barely had to lift a thing. I really lucked out.

The house is starting to look more and more put together. We have the living room and Matt's office pretty much finished, and all of the other rooms are in various states of disaray. But it's feeling more and more like home. I love the new neighborhood, and the view of the mountains from the back of the house is absoultely stunning. I can't stop staring out the windows.


K. C. Wells said...

Pictures!! We need pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

So very happy for you!!!

Love, Mom in Mo