Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm still here...

...Still chipping away at the big moving project. I can't believe it's been an entire week since I last wrote a blog entry. Seven whole days have gone by in the blink of an eye. Crazy!

There's so darn much to organize, it's starting to get beyond my capacity to file it all away in my mind. I've started to get worried that something essential is going to slip through the cracks. Kind of like water spilling out of the top of an over-full glass.

I spent about an hour today making an elaborate schedule of everything that needs to get done in the next few weeks. There are closings to attend, deliveries to schedule, equipment to be installed... A whole host of things to keep track of on top of the process of boxing, moving, and unboxing.

I'm going to be really, really glad when all of this is over and done with. I'm so ready to move! I'm looking forward to waking up in my spacious new house, standing on the deck overlooking the mountains, and breathing a sigh of relief that the whole stressful process over and done with.

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