Thursday, February 3, 2011

Inspection Results

Wednesday’s inspection on the Knollwood house went fairly well. The roof, the foundation, all of the major structural elements look really good. There were a few minor issues tied to a fire door, a broken garage door sensor and a non-functioning bedroom outlet, but the only big issue was with the furnace. It’s an old furnace, which is ok. But the problem is that the furnace was subject to a safety recall in the 90s, and the owners never had the Lenox folks over to make the necessary repairs. So, we asked the sellers to have the furnace brought up to the correct safety standards… Important, since as is the furnace has the possibility of emitting carbon monoxide into the house.

Our inspector bumped into the sellers on his way out and briefly explained the situation. Apparently, they didn’t seem very happy about it, especially the wife. I’m hoping that they’ll be reasonable about it, though, and get the furnace fixed. We haven’t heard back yet, but hopefully will soon. Maybe tomorrow?

When the inspector was looking over the Knollwood property, I actually stopped by so I could get another look at the house. Unfortunately, the woman selling the house was there with her son. So, it was really too awkward for me to stay. I really wish they hadn’t been there! I was dying to get in and start imagining paint colors, new appliances, etc.

When she was there, she said two things that were a little odd.

One, she said that her family would “try” to be out by closing. (No try, lady! Only DO!)

Two, she asked us if we would take her cat, since he was “used to the house.” (Um….No thanks.)

It was just so weird actually meeting two of the people that live in the house. At this point, I really think of the Knollwood place as *my* house. Seeing them bum around in their sweatpants felt really..wrong. The house was kind of a mess, too, so I’m really looking forward to getting the furnace thing resolved, getting them moved out, and seeing the place all clean and free of all their junk. And their cat.

Hopefully, we’ll hear back from them soon!


jwjacole said...

I really think that meeting the people that live in a house you want to buy can leave some strange vibes but soon it will be cleared out and you can start putting your touches to it. Furnace, sorry, it has to be updated and closing means out!

K. C. Wells said...

1. She sounds like a complete nut-job.
2. Closing means CLOSED, baby! If they're not out, you get to prorate and make them pay, I think.
3. Seriously, the cat??????? She gets weirder by the minute.
4. I hope you hear soon! These people would be crazy to ignore the furnace issue. Any smart buyer would ask to have it fixed.