Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Frankie lost another tooth last night. The rate at which she's losing her teeth is absolutely amazing. It's like her body just decided one day to completely reject all of her baby teeth and is shooting them out of her mouth one after the other like BBs.

I was just telling this to K.C. today-- Watching Frankie lose so many of her teeth in rapid succession has kicked an old recurring dream of mine back into rotation. Back when I was in college, I used to constantly dream that my teeth were suddenly falling out. I had the dream once a week for years. I finally stopped having the dream once I left grad school.

It's back again.

Every night this week, I've had a version of the same dream. Maybe I'm ice skating, teaching a class, performing in a play. The setup is always different, and I never realize that it's the tooth dream until at some point in the dream I feel something weird in my mouth and spit out a handful of teeth. Then in the dream I think... "Oh...Crap. Not this again?," and I spend the rest of the dream trying to hide my missing teeth from everyone around me. By the end of the dream until all that's left in my mouth are my gums.

I'll be glad when Frankie takes a break from shedding her own teeth so I can send that dream back into hibernation. It's super vivid, and super freaky! No like.

Side note: Frankie wrote a letter to the Tooth fairy asking her to please draw her a tiny picture of Fairy Land to put under her pillow on her next visit. Any ideas how a mom might pull that one out of the hat?


K. C. Wells said...

Maybe Fairy Land is simply too secret to share with humans. The TF might lose her fairy license if she draws a picture of it. You know, the first rule of Fairy Land is that we don't talk about Fairy Land. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love that responce! It should do the trick!

jwjacole said...

Great response, K.c. Love the teeth-falling-out dream story. It really made me laugh and I need a good laugh right now. Thanks