Thursday, February 11, 2010

Destination: Scaryport?

After Matt called to tell me about the Maryport house, I was pretty excited. It's a little more isolated than I originally wanted, but the house was so nice I thought it would be worth making an exception.

But, the problems have started to stack up.

First, we realized that Maryport doesn't have a preschool for Frankie. And even if it *did* have a preschool, how would we get there? Matt would have our only car during the day, so I'd be out of luck for transportation. Also, Matt's office would be fairly far away. He'd be looking at a 30 minute commute, minimum. Probably significantly longer, since flooding in the area has caused problems with some of the roads.

Then, there's the nickname.

When Matt mentioned Maryport to some of his co-workers at the office, they all had a strong negative reaction. Apparently, it has a bit of a bad reputation. So much so that some of the locals refer to it as "Scaryport." I couldn't get a lot of details as to why Maryport had such a negative reputation. It's not because it's dangerous place. (None of the towns in that region have a reputation for being unsafe.)  I just think that it's really small and fairly deserted. It's not the sort of place you'd necessarily go to on a vacation.

Any, who knows? Maybe that's an opinion unique to just the people Matt talked to at work. For example, if someone from out-of-state asked Matt what he thought of Loveland Colorado, he'd definitely say a lot of negative things. But there's nothing inherently wrong with Loveland...It's just not Matt's cup of tea.

Still, it was enough to tip the scales. Matt didn't sign a contract for the Maryport house, and the hunt continues.  


Matt said...

So there is in fact a school nearby and it is actually pretty good. Also, I talked to someone who was actaully from Maryport and they did not think it was bad. It apparently has a strong Rugby reputation and they tend to fight each other (the rugby teams that is). Anyway, it appears the concerns are exaggerated local perceptions. Anyway it is still by far the nicest place and the pictures don't do it justice.

K. C. Wells said...

Looks like a beautiful place. You're going to have such an amazing experience!