Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday Miracle

I never thought I'd see the day, but this afternoon Ken's friend Allen finally drove his broken-down old Suzuki jeep out of our driveway.


Now, every time I look out the window I won't have to see a Tazmanian Devil spare-tire cover.

It's truly the end of a saga, though. We had been going through quite a struggle between Allen (the owner of the Suzuki) and the Allerdale town council (who promised to tow the car but never delivered). Allen had gotten notice from the town council about three weeks ago that he had fourteen days to move his car or have it towed. From that point on, Allen (who might possibly have a bit of a screw loose) stopped by every few days to explain why he couldn't move the car.

Excuses included:

1) The car was broken down

2) He has nowhere else to park it, and we have sooo much space so why be greedy?

3, and my personal favorite) He would love to move it, but Ken lost the key. Maybe at the bowling alley?

When my brother was here, Allen stopped by two separate times. Each time, Allen would come to the door with some sort of elaborate story about why he couldn't take the car away. Each time, no exaggeration, Allen would talk for a bare minimum of 20 minutes, barely pausing for breath. He'd start out talking about car problems, but would inevitably meander his way into diatribes about his bad luck, the injustices of the world, etc. If all he needed to do was knock on the door and say that he ordered a new key and would be back with it in a few days, he' somehow manage to weave that tiny nugget of essential information into some sort of elaborate narrative casting himself as the tragic hero.

It was exhausting!

Earlier in the week, he stopped by at 10pm to tell us that he had finally ordered and received the replacement key for the Suzuki. But of course he didn’t have it with him.
We just had to laugh What else was there to do?

But I’m so glad it’s OVER! Time for a celebration dance.


jwjacole said...

This has been a crazy story between Ken and now Allen. I really hope this is the last of that ordeal.

dove said...
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dove said...

Wow! I never thought you'd see the day when that ol' bucket was finally removed.
I especially like that he popped in to tell you that he had the key, but not with him. That seems utterly pointless.

K. C. Wells said...

Woohoo! Ding, dong....the Suzuki is gone!!!

Lisa said...

Miracles never cease!