Monday, April 12, 2010

First Day of School

Today was Frankie's first day of school. It was a gorgeous, sunny morning, and the whole family drove over to Dearham to see her off.

A few days ago, Frankie and I were talking about school and she asked, "Mom? Would it be all right if you just dropped me off at the front door? Don't go inside the school with me, ok?"

A few days after that she added "When we get to school, make sure you hug me in the car, not in my class."

I think she was afraid of me embarassing her in front of the other kids. It cracked me up, because I remember hearing stories of me doing the exact same thing to my own mother on the first day of Kindergarten. (As the story goes, my mother walked me to the door of my Kindergarten classroom where I coldly dismissed her at the threshhold saying, "You can go now.")

Anyhow, when we got there I tried my best not to make a scene. Matt hugged her, but I played it cool. Of course, when her head was turned, I snapped a few covert photos.

She seemed excited and in good spirits, especially psyched by the playground in front of the school. She didn't cry or fuss at all when we dropped her off. She just grabbed the hand of the little girl that had been assigned her "buddy" and strolled into the room as if she'd done it a million times before.


K. C. Wells said...

Yay, Frankie! It's going to be a great day for her! I can't wait to hear all about it. XOXOXOXOXO

jwjacole said...

Very cute first day pictures! Grandma was crying a little bit. This is a classic story but when it's my Frankie I'm a little emotional. The pictures with Frankie and Matt are adorable. Also, the pictures of the kids in her class in their uniforms is just great. She will have a wonderful time in school and I hope she picks up the accent. This is what home schoolers miss.