Friday, April 30, 2010

Hair Stories

I just got back from my hair cut and color in the Dearham salon.

Overall it looks fine, but I do have a few slight concerns.

First, my stylist was nice but virtually mute. She wasn’t mean by any stretch of the imagination, but didn’t seem at all interested in making small talk with me. Normally, that would be fine with me, but with Matt working so much and Frankie being… well four…. I’m a little starved for conversation. I was kind of looking forward to talking to someone about the move over, what to do for fun in the area, and so forth. My stylist didn’t even get around to telling me her name. I was there for two and a half hours, and we probably said five sentences to each other. Maybe she didn’t like me, or maybe she couldn’t understand my accent? Hard to say. I did have the thought, though, that Matt would have loved this girl. Matt hates making chit chat with hair stylists so much that he’s decided to just forgo the entire painful experience and cut his hair himself. (Seriously.)

Also, the cut and color looked ok, but it wasn’t quite the fun summery change I was going for. Matt didn’t even notice a difference in the color. It pretty much looks the same as always.

When I got home I had to wet and re-style my hair. That’s actually fine, because I usually have to do that anyway. For some reason, 97% of stylists that I’ve gone to have no idea how to dry and finish a curly haircut. I always leave with a big, weird frizzball on my head. The problem is that when I went to re-style my hair, I ran my fingers through it and big clumps of hair came out in my hands. It was sort of like the stylist had “thinned” my hair, but then left all of the cut pieces in place to fall out later. Seriously, it was strange. I took out three small handfuls of hair before it stopped shedding. I fear what my shower drain will look like tomorrow.

All Matt said about the haircut was “It’s ok… Pretty curly, though. And is it supposed to be that tall on the top?” Not exactly a rave review.

Plus, is it just me, or is the hair longer on one side than the other?

I have a really vivid memory from childhood of my mother coming home from a hair salon, so angry about the haircut they had given her that she said she wished she could sue the woman for infliction of emotional distress. I’ve felt that way about haircuts in the past. I guess women are just hard to please when it comes to their hair. Still, I wish I could walk into a hair salon and walk out feeling like I look significantly better than when I came in.

Dare to dream…


jwjacole said...

I'm so sorry but this was very funny. I always get mine cut at the end of the day so no one sees me. Matt is so his Dad. Last time I tried a new style I got home and Jim ran for the camera. He claims he wanted to show ME how it looked.

dove said...

It looks nice! Let's just hope that it doesn't continue to fall out. :)

K. C. Wells said...

Your hair always looks gorgeous! I'm sure you'll feel better about it once you start fresh in the morning. The mute stylist thing is weird. Most stylists talk a blue streak! I know what you mean about needing conversation. I had to UPS some stuff yesterday, and I think I stayed an inappropriately long amount of time chatting with the cashier. I didn't have to pretend to be a wicked witch or make animal noises during the whole conversation. Heaven.